Sites I Have Hit Payout On, And Have Paid Me:Associated Content - Another article awaiting review.
Swagbucks - Roughly 10 points away from another gift card.
Sites I Am Close To Payout On, But Have Not Yet Gotten Payment:MyPoints - I have nearly accumulated enough points to request my first gift card. That only took a few months, eh?
Sites I Am Not Close To Payout On, But Are Good Prospects:I have not personally cashed out on any of these sites yet, and therefore cannot vouch for them in good faith. You are still welcome to join them if you want, but I won't give them my endorsement yet (so to speak).
Survey Spot - Still haven't qualified for any paid surveys.
NeoBux - Surprisingly, one of the best "get paid to click ads" websites I have encountered. I started out with only 4 ads to click per day, at 1 cent each, but am now up to 6 ads, and one of them counts for a cent and a half (which hardly makes sense, but ok).
SendEarnings - Yep, it's still slow as slow gets. I don't waste much effort on SendEarnings, lately. In any case, NeoBux is looking much more promising.
Points2Shop - The daily surveys are the only real way I get points. Honestly, I don't feel like giving away all of my personal information or signing up for stupid "free trials". That's about 50 points (50 cents' equivalent, I guess) per day, when I qualify at all. So it's going to take me a while. Assuming I only qualify half the time, that's roughly 150 points a week. But I guess it's not bad if you're saving up points for something special.
ReviewStream - I'm not a big fan of ReviewStream for regular reviews, they'll gyp you out of the full review rate and give you the Bulk Rate whenever possible. Nonetheless, I get the sense that it's fairly legit. I have recently submitted several ReviewStream reviews for the full rate, and one has gotten approved so far. You can find links to them
Scour - 183 points so far. I don't focus on Scour, but run my searches in it when I remember to.
Sites I Have Looked At But Haven't Really Touched:Textbroker
Sites I Have Doubts About:GamingLagoon - My Completed Offers are still pending. Big surprise.
Hits4Pay - Yep, they still want my SSN. A reader recently commented in defense of
Hits4Pay's request for a Social Security number. I already understood that this was for tax purposes, but I'm not comfortable giving my SSN out to every Tom, Dick, and Harry. I've been poking around PTC sites for a while and honestly, since I am not an aggressive recruiter, it is highly unlikely that I will be making more than $600.00 from them.
Hits4Pay's BBB report can be found
here. It's an A-, actually not a bad report. However, it is ultimately up to individuals whether or not they wish to divulge such information.