Well, nothing happened for a while - no money in my Paypal account - and I thought perhaps I'd been had. I was also frustrated by the rampant plagiarism and spamming on Ciao. So, at the end of April, I just sort of gave up.
Wasn't I surprised when I was informed that Paypal had a payment waiting for me?

Here, you can only see one of the payments (for $18.00), I'm guessing the other one went through at the end of April (about when I gave up).
Well, the money is in my account - for real - and I can say that, while Ciao certainly takes their sweet time paying you, they DO pay you. Be prepared to wait for a month and a half, however.
I'm back on Ciao again - after all, $23.00 for writing a few reviews isn't bad. There are other websites where you can write reviews for money, but they are not as user friendly and they have some shady tactics. I'll review one in more depth later this week.
Until then,
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